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hold high the great banner
高举伟大旗帜  detail>>
hold high the red banner
高举红旗  detail>>
hold high the revolutionary red banner
高举革命红旗  detail>>
hold a banner erect
将旗子举直  detail>>
the banner flies on high
帅旗飘飘  detail>>
hold high the flag
举起旗子  detail>>
hold in high esteem
十分尊敬  detail>>
hold sb in high regard
十分尊敬某人  detail>>
hold…in high regard
对……极为重视  detail>>
 n.  1.旗,国旗,军旗,标帜,旗帜;横幅标语。 2.〔美国〕(报上横贯全页的)大字标题〔又称 banner head 或 banner line〕。&nb...  detail>>
i hold a high opinion of him
我对他有好感。  detail>>